Notes from Mount Pleasant, Texas

My weekends are getting so busy that it’s harder to post daily as I would like to. This morning I’m at the Region VIII Education Service Center in Mount Pleasant, Texas for a vendors presentation for school (and I hope public) librarians. I spent the night with friends in Diana, Texas and reached the center by 7:30 a.m. to set up. Surprise: I’m the only Confederate here. I hope to have not only sales, but to book appointments for programs/presentations at schools.

More good news: I’ve been booked for signings at 9-10 Sam’s Clubs during the next three months. I should be able to move a ton of books at these. My weekends are filling up fast. In fact, between now and Christmas, I only have two Saturdays not booked for signings, and by this week, I’ll have those filled.  I’ll also begin filling in Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays around those Saturdays to optimize my time traveling and get the most out of my travel expenses and travel time.  I’ll probably post another time tonight to report on how my day in Mount Pleasant (East Texas) went.