God Said Yes by Heather Hornback-Bland

At the Pulpwood Queens Festival, I met a wonderful author–Heather Bornback-Bland who wrote a rich and moving account of her life entitled God Said Yes. This is a book you must order and share with others. Heather’s story builds one’s faith in God (without being a preachy account) and it helps us really understand what human dignity, compassion, and love are all about. She is a wonderful public speaker and an excellent fund raiser, so I hope your school will think of using her. Here is a photo of Heather and myself at the Jefferson Author/Book Event:



Heather Hornback-Bland
My Story:
I would like to share with you some of my life’s joys and pains. My hope is that in sharing my story, I can give hope to the hopeless and to those that are blessed with so much, a desire to give and be thankful.

I am blessed to be able to speak on a number of topics including “Being Strong,” “Trusting That God Will Provide,” “Persevering Through Pain (When You Don’t Want To),” “Life After Divorce,” “God Showed His Unconditional Love,” and many more.

Press Room:
My speaking engagements and the tremendous efforts people make to support me and my ministry make their way into the papers.

A true gift to me, my daughter Mackenzie, has an incredible story all to herself. And a page all to herself, too!

The Book:
“God Said Yes” is the title of my life story in book stores on October 1, 2007. Penguin Group is the publishing my life story. We are so excited to tell you that you can pre-order “God Said Yes” on Amazon.com.

Here is a photo of Heather and her friend Kelly that Bonnie Barnes took:


To learn more of Heather do go to her website: http://www.godsaidyes.net/

4 thoughts on “God Said Yes by Heather Hornback-Bland

  1. Emily and I are friends with Mackenzie, and she is the sweetest person. We both have read her mom’s book and her mom is remarkable, she always had a positive attitude, which got her through everything. Her mom is amazing.

  2. I just read the book… written in 2008, now 2011. How is Heather now? Wish someone would write an update… Pamela

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